A Clutter Free Living Room – Simple Tips for a Clean Space
This Clutter Free Journey is really getting to be fun! I am starting to see my house the way that I want it to look.
This Clutter Free Journey is really getting to be fun! I am starting to see my house the way that I want it to look.
We just finished our first day of school for the girls (and AG, by surprise) in our updated homeschool space. I know it is Labor Day.
I can’t believe it has already been a month since the last 7 Year Itch update! This summer is almost over for us and it
Some of my strongest memories are sensory. I remember the sounds and smells of an event more than I remember all the little details of
We are staying in the kitchen for Day 2 of 31 Days of Tackling Tasks. I guess my cabinets are getting out of hand, so
I have been frustrated by a couple of things since our oldest became a toddler in regards to kid cups, plates, bowls, straws, sippy cups,