I can’t believe it has already been a month since the last 7 Year Itch update! This summer is almost over for us and it was so fast! I am excited because it is finally getting cool enough to go outside in the evening without feeling like going immediately back indoors. Sadly we haven’t made much progress on our remodeling projects since last month. {frown face} But patience is being worked as we slowly get the projects done. I got lots of inspiration from last month’s linked-up projects and I am so excited to share with you what we did get done.
Check out these inspiring projects from last month’s link-up:
RENTER’S GALLERY WALL from Love Laugh Lena
Thanks for sharing your amazing projects here! I can’t wait to see what else you are up to!
Here is a little bit of what we have been up to around here.
Our living room is all-most finished. We took a trip to a store (Living Spaces) we have been looking at online for a long time to check out a rug for the living room. We ended up finding two rugs that became the design dilemma of our remodel. The one we went to look at was pretty awesome, but even as we were walking up to the rug display, I spotted another rug that just SCREAMED to me, “I AM THE ONE!” There was just one little problem: THE ONE had what my husband (trying to be generous) calls magenta in it. My husband is not a very magenta man. So we agreed to think about it for a few days and get the opinions of others.

Long story short. Almost every person we asked preferred the magenta rug. But they ALL called it “the PINK one.” Were they trying to make a recommendation or make it impossible for me to get MY RUG?! The decision came down to me giving my husband a lot of space to come to terms with the decision and the recommendation (unbidden by me) of his two guy friends, who separately recommended he buy the magenta one. Yes, two guys picked the pink one!
Also while we were at Living Spaces, we discovered THE CHAIR we have been searching months and months for. Oh, and a table and a decorative item. Oh, AND the lockers I have been dreaming of for the girls’ room. Yeah! We knocked out some serious shopping while we were there and came home with some pieces we will love for a really, really long time. By the way, this post has not been sponsored by Living Spaces. I just really loved a LOT of what we saw there. Especially the rooms designed by Jeff Lewis and the One-Time Buy items.
Our living room is not quite ready to do a full reveal – we still need to do some drywall repair and a couple of DIY projects for our new built-in bookshelves. But we are getting close. But we did have these AMAZING shelves built and installed this past month. They are a knockoff of Restoration Hardware shelves that our friend Kurt made. We love them!
I also worked a little bit on our ongoing entryway redesign. I added a table from World Market and a DIY art project I had in my mind for months. I am really excited about the way our entry is coming together. We are still looking for a couple of pieces that will hopefully transform the look of the space even more.
Our bathroom saw the addition of a toilet (yea! for usability) and some of the plumbing fixtures – we discovered the shower bar we ordered was bent, so it is on order again (third time is the charm!). So it pretty much looks the same as last month, with the addition of a toilet. Here’s a fun Instagram (follow me at ussleah) video of that toilet in action:
And I have a million more little projects that are going on! What have you been up to this month? It is time to share! I can’t wait to see. Here are the details for the link up:
**This will be a monthly link up going live on the last Monday of the month each month.
**I will be pinning all the submissions and then sharing my favorites in the next month’s post.
**Please do not post links to ads.
**Link what you’ve got, as much as you want.
**Visit a couple other links to get inspiration and give props to the other homemakers and designers you love.
**Come back next month and let us know what else you are doing.
Happy homemaking!