Task #16 Utility Closet

This entry is part 17 of 22 in the series Tackling Tasks

preschool supplies

When we moved into our house almost 7 years ago, we had a bonus closet in our downstairs bedroom.  Most people would be so excited to have this extra storage space, and we were…BUT it was a completely bare closet, no shelves, no light, nothing.  Naturally, I started dreaming up how to organize and utilize this closet to our family’s maximum benefit.

My husband (the builder) and I set up a meeting with the cabinet guys and laid it all out…it was going to be a dream!  And then, they came and started to install the cabinets…

Um…they didn’t fit, they were all wrong.  Uh-oh.

Fast forward 5 1/2  years (I am not kidding) and I had a whole new, more simple plan for the closet: shelves…just shelves.  I kind of saw it as a store-room, my own retail space filled with items I loved for our home, but didn’t want displayed all the time, or right now.

This time the cabinet makers came to us and did the measurements and talked about our simple plan.  A few weeks later, the cabinets were installed and I had the perfect blank slate for all my home storage needs.  But I quickly realized we also needed a good place to store all the preschool materials we have for the girls, so I gave them some space in there too.

And it was nice, but it was not quite orderly. So today I tackled the task of making this room more organized.

I tried to sort out the things we are saving for a living room redo and place them on upper shelves.

utility closet1And I used boxes to separate and organize the items we use for crafts and fun projects for the girls.  And I left a bit of extra space for a task I am planning in the coming days (toy sorting!).  Oh, and we have a great place for all our family games, too!

preschool suppliesIt is not perfect, but it beats an unusable space (what it was for 6 years) and I can find things easily.  I also love that I have some empty spaces to fill…room for more stuff!

Utility Closet - task

Series Navigation<< Task #15: Refigerator Organization LoveTask #17: Toy Sorting and Cleaning >>

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