One Year Old Preschool: Week 1

This entry is part 2 of 19 in the series One Year Old Preschool

1 year old preschool

This week for our very first week of Preschool, we started with the theme: “I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”  (from Psalm 139). The goal for this unit is for our little one to: know the body parts (as many of them as possible) and know who “I” am.

For Week 1 the focus was the face.  We tried to teach G where her eyes, ears, mouth, and nose are on her face.


Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes.  This was pretty interesting the first night because I enlisted Dad’s help to sing this song with the motions to our little one before bed and she pretty much ignored us completely.  But as the week wore on and she got used to hearing the tune.  She really started paying attention and watched as we did the motions.

For those of you who don’t know the words to this song, here they are:

Head, shoulders, knees, and toes.  Knees and toes.  (Repeat)

Eyes and ears and mouth and nose.

Head, shoulders, knees, and toes.  Knees and toes.

This is, of course sung  while pointing to the body part mentioned.  We sang this song and pointed to Mama’s body parts, to little one’s body parts, and to her new baby doll’s body parts.

We also LOVE the Peek-a-Boo song (to the tune of Fere Jacques):

Peek-a Boo, Peek-a-Boo,

I see you, I see you!

I see your button nose

And your little toes


I see you!


Our books for the week came from our collection of books, but you can probably find them at the library or at your local big bookstore.  They were:

Where is Baby’s Belly Button? by Karen Katz

Baby’s Very First Black and White Book: Faces an Usborne Book

Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes… by Annie Kubler

Shake a Leg a Sesame Street book – this goes through all the body parts and instructs the reader to “do something” with each part – it is a good interactive book

All of Baby, Nose to Toes by Victoria Adler

Richard Scarry’s This is Me – a really simple book with a fun diagram picture of a body

Bubbles, Bubbles from Sesame Street books – this just mentions the nose and toes, but it is great for bath time discussions of the body parts.

Eyes & Nose, Fingers & Toes another Sesame Street book – sold in a set with Bubbles, Bubbles.

1 Year Old Preschool Week One - picture books about FACES


Bath time talking about the body parts.  It is fun to have a bubble bath and put bubbles (we love Mustela for babies!) on each of the parts of the face.

Dad took our chalkboard and drew a face for G on it.  Then we helped her to identify the parts of the face.  This was a fun activity because she had never seen anyone draw before.

On an un-face-related, but still body related note: we also did a hand print art project for Father’s day.  She really liked this and when we presented it to Dad, she was overjoyed to see her hand print again!

I know these are really simple ideas, but I have already started to see progress in her understanding of the face.

We are looking forward to week two’s focus: the feet.


Series Navigation<< One Year Old PreschoolOne Year Old Preschool: The Body – Week 2 >>

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Denise Bowker

    Just curious…are you using a certain curriculum for your One Year Old Preschool or are you coming up with the plan yourself? My son is 11-months old and I would love to start this with him next month.

    1. ussleah

      Hi Denise,

      I am just making this up as I go along. It is by no means perfect, but I would love to have you join me with this! I would love suggestions and feedback from you!

      Thanks for reading! Leah

      1. Angela

        Hi ! I love to start doing this! Do you have a lesson plan layout? I was a preschool teacher before having my son last year. I feel the need to have a lesson plan. lol.

        1. Leah Hudson

          I DON’T!! I was not a teacher officially before being a mom, so I tend to fly by the seat of my pants for most things. I wish I could offer you something.

  2. Sherea

    Hi Leah! I think what you’re doing is awesome I started the week 1 activities with my 13 month old yesterday and she loves it! Do you spend a certain amount of time on each activity (music, reading, scripture) do you do it in a certain order?

    1. ussleah

      Hi Sherea! How fun for your little one! You know, we really don’t set a timer or anything, but we do spend a lot of the day doing activities and singing. Of course, at that stage our girls were still taking 2 naps a day, so fitting it in between naps was how we did most of the activities. And we just sprinkle in the Scripture throughout the day. I kind of have the philosophy of Deut 6 about teaching your children; that it we teach as we live – I find LOTS of opportunities to teach through basic daily life! Thanks for following along with us. I would love to hear more about your sweet one!

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