You may have seen my previous styrofoam creation (a homemade stacker for toddlers). I got inspired by playing with G to make another toy for her to increase her fine motor skills. We had a bunch of golf tees (I honestly don’t know why) and we had the Styrofoam block from before, so I decided to make a new game/toy for her: Toddler Golf. It is really simple to throw together, here’s what you need.
- Styrofoam block
- golf tees (you can use different colored ones, if you want) – you will need about 5 or 6
- small white styrofoam balls (about the size of a golf ball) – you will need about 5 or 6
Once you have everything together, help your little one to push the golf tees into the “grass” (styrofoam block). After a few tries he should have this down, even if it takes him more effort than it takes you.
Show him how to place the ball on top of the tee.
Once all balls are placed, have fun knocking them off and placing them back on.
This activity helps young ones with:
- Sequencing of events/steps (placing the tee before placing the ball on the tee).
- Fine motor skills
- Counting – take every opportunity to count (the tees, the balls)
- Colors – if you are using different colored tees, you can try to instruct them to place the ball on a particular color tee
- Balance and light touch – gentle!
We had lots of fun with this activity. I hope your young ones do too!
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Visiting from the Family Fun Friday. My Family-Focused Monday hop is live now and I would love to see one of your awesome posts linked up.
Have a wonderful week.
What a great idea -very cute pics too!
Found you at No Time for Flash Cards. What a creative way to work on those fine motor skills. 🙂