The weekend is upon us! Aren’t you so ready for the weekend? I know I am!
But since I am no longer a Rebel homemaker, I guess it means I still have some work to do! I have been struggling to keep up this week, but I am persevering by trying to do my tasks as I go throughout the day and not focus on waiting until after dinner and after the kids are in bed to get it done. I am normally a night owl, especially for chores (I think that is another way of saying I procrastinate!), so getting it done throughout the day is a bit out of my norm.
So, I thought I would leave you this weekend with an introduction to Dana White, author of 28 Days to Hope for Your Home. I know we have been reading through her book and we have noticed she is down to earth and REAL! But I wanted you to meet her! This is one of her G+ hangouts talking about Habit #3, cleaning the bathrooms. She talks about slob vision and making these tasks non-negotiable. I think you will enjoy it. So if you have a free bit of time this weekend, grab a cup of something yummy and watch (just make sure you wash the cup when you are finished!)
Have you noticed we are almost to the end of our 28 Days to Hope Challenge? Where do you want to go next? What pressing homemaker needs are you interested in tackling? Leave me a comment here on the blog or on my Facebook wall. I want to hear from you!