10 days of pursuing hope for our homes! How are you doing? Are you loving it? Hating the drudgery? Feeling weary from washing dishes and now sweeping the floors?
I must admit, I have found that my tasks simply do not take as long as they used to take. I am able to flit through my kitchen in around 15 minutes at the end of the day and get everything in order, ready for a pleasant early morning greeting of clean floors and clean dishes ready to be put away.
I have a new routine of running the dishwasher at night (or drying my hand washed dishes) and putting the clean dishes away the next morning while my coffee is brewing. I have another new routine of sweeping my floors in the evening (it just feels defeatist to do it before the kids go to bed) really quick after I wash the dishes for dinner. I even have time to do other things (gasp!).
And the resulting good feelings are amazing! I measured my kitchen this morning just to see about how much of my home I was keeping clean. It is about 155 sq. ft (not including counters and the pantry). But the drastic difference I feel in my home when that 155 sq. ft. are clean is staggering. I think it is because I just don’t feel the heaviness of a major clean-up task before me. My kitchen has become…manageable!
I like manageable!
So, the challenge for today is to keep up your routine of dish washing and sweeping. And estimate (or get out the measuring tape) the size of your kitchen and tell me the relative impact on your home. If you have a picture you want to share, please share it on Instagram (#hopeforhome) or on my Facebook page or the Facebook Hope for Homemakers group.
This Post Has One Comment
I am just seeing this a couple years later, but you are so right about how much of an impact having the kitchen orderly and clean (even just clean looking!) can make. I have been building habits over the last couple years like this, and while it sounds like a lot gets done daily, those few minutes in each room (such as quick bathroom wipes) keep the home feeling fresh between deep cleans whenever they get done!