It’s been a while since I’ve written anything about Saxon Math in our homeschool. The solutions I have brought to the Saxon Math homeschool community are still strong in our home. But this past week, I had a next-level idea, making me feel like a genius again! You know I have to share this with you.
As you may know, I have been in the habit of front-loading my Saxon Math Prep in the upper elementary & middle school years for about two months at a time. The solutions I brought to save my family money on Saxon Math curriculum through four students, while keeping my sanity in tact are included in these articles:
Most of the ideas in those posts still apply. But the idea I had last week decreases the prep throughout the year.
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Now I can prep everything at the beginning of the year and train my students to follow the organizational system I put into place. Here’s the BIG idea:
A 24-Pocket Spiral Organizer
It’s life-changing!
I was prepping my oldest student’s Saxon Math work for 7/6 when I realized she can do more of the prep for me, or she can handle a new system. So I started thinking about what that system would look like. Originally, I thought of those expanding file folders and started searching the internet to find something that would work. I settled on these:

What’s in my Spiral
As you may know, I make copies of all the math fact practice sheets needed for the entire year at the beginning of the year. I used to keep them in my Saxon Math Master folder for prep sessions throughout the year. Then I would build a folder for my student with the math facts sheets interspersed with the recording forms and tests in order.
As I had my paradigm-shifting idea, I thought my student is capable of retrieving the fact practice sheet for each lesson at the beginning of her day. She is also capable of retrieving the Activity Sheets on an as-needed basis.
When I found this Spiral Project Organizer I knew this was the perfect solution! I put the fact sheets inside the clear pockets on the front and back of each tab. Then I labeled the tabs with a dry-erase marker – I really like the fine tips on these.
I turned to the back of the spiral organizer (to the last tab) and inserted all the Activity Sheets for the year. I labeled this as well.
Because the recording forms are a stapled combination of form B and the Mixed Practice Solutions sheet, I tucked those in the back of the spiral behind the last tab.
A Little Extra
When I settled on this idea, I realized I needed to duplicate this idea for my younger upper elementary student, too. Then I realized the two spirals might get mixed up. I took a few minutes on Canva and voila…Saxon Math Prep Covers were ready to go!

I’m loving this solution in my homeschool! If you are inclined to give it a go, here’s a link to the prep covers. Happy Planning!
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