Try a2 Milk FREE (& win a trip Down Under)!

a2 Milk - milk the way mother nature intended, try it for FREE and enter to win a trip to Australia

This post was sponsored by a2 Milk® as part of an Ambassador Program for Influence Central.  I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.

You know all those unique phrases you hear only in specific places?  In the South, you hear, “Well, bless his heart.”  In the Boston area, you hear, “Wicked” attached to almost anything. And in the Land Down Under, you hear, “Let’s put another shrimp on the barbie.”  Which gets me thinking what other phrases you only hear in Australia.  So, I looked up an Australian phrase book and had a good laugh over some of the things they say.

My absolute favorite one has to be “Technicolor yawn.”

What do you think it is?

I’ll give you some hints in this short story:

“I tend to have this problem after drinking regular cow’s milk.  So I am now trying out a new all natural milk to help with the tummy troubles that accompany drinking milk (and milk-based drinks, like milkshakes), called a2 Milk®.  So far, it has made it possible for me to drink milk again without feeling sick afterwards.”

Do you have a guess?

Yup, a “Technicolor yawn” is Aussie for throwing up!  And no matter if you are in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere, it is not fun – even if you just feel like you need to throw up!

But that story above?  It is a true story.   I have had the opportunity over the past couple of months to try out a2 Milk® with my family and I have been pleasantly surprised with the results – I can drink milk again!  And I can enjoy milk in some of my favorite treats, including smoothies and milkshakes!

So what does drinking milk, “Technicolor yawning,” and Australia have to with trying a2 Milk®?  Well, the folks at a2 Milk® want you to give their all-natural milk (it comes from a special heirloom a2 herd of cows, bred to be naturally free from the a1 protein found in most cow’s milk) a try to see if it relieves your post-dairy digestive discomfort.

And they want to give you two things:

  1. a carton of their milk for FREE! All you have to do is follow the instructions here.
  2. a chance to win a trip to AUSTRALIA!  Yes!

As I said before, I have been trying a2 Milk® for the past couple of months and have been pleasantly surprised that I do not experience tummy discomfort after drinking milk and milk-based products when I drink a2 Milk®.  This fresh milk is SO much better than milk alternatives (they have lots of chemicals and I don’t like the way they taste) because it has all the nutritional goodness of milk without the tummy troubles.   The a2 Milk Company™ has partnered with U.S. based family farmers to increase the a2 herd, so that they can bring this milk to the masses.

So, if you have tummy troubles (like me and about 25% of Americans) after drinking milk, you may want to give a2 Milk® a try for FREE!  And then sign up to win a trip to Australia, too.  You might want to get an Aussie to English dictionary for your trip!

a2 Milk - milk the way mother nature intended, try it for FREE and enter to win a trip to Australia


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