Simple Summer Activities – Inspiration for the days ahead

simple activities to do with the kids this summer

Yesterday, I shared with you about my goal to be more present in my everyday life.  It has been something I have been striving for as this summer begins and as I have entered the second trimester of this pregnancy (and have gained a little more energy for the day).  And the easiest way for me to be more present as a mom is to challenge myself to engage in one simple summer activity each day with my girls.  One. Simple. Act.  The one time a day when I put away all the excess and the other tasks and focus simply on having fun with my girls.

I have been doing it for the past couple of weeks and I have been sharing (every couple of days or so) the results on Instagram – my current favorite social media outlet.  I love sharing these activities over there because they are, for the most part, so simple that they don’t make up a whole post for this blog.  You don’t need a ‘how-to’ for most of these activities, you just need to be intentional about it.

Here’s some of what we have been doing the past couple of weeks for our simple summer activities:

simple activities to do with the kids this summer


simple activities to do with the kids this summer


simple activities to do with the kids this summer


simple activities to do with the kids this summer


This is not the first summer we have done simple summer activities.  We have a number of really fun, easy to put together activities for toddlers here on the blog.  A couple of my favorites from the past are:

Toddler Pictionary – for the days it is just too hot to go outside

simple activities to do with the kids this summer

A simple sailboat craft and activity for toddlers.

simple activities to do with the kids this summer

And patriotic sensory play for babies and tots:

simple activities to do with the kids this summer


Are you trying to be intentional with your kids this summer?  Follow us on Instagram to get some inspiration for simple summer activities.  And share what you are doing with your kids with #simplesummeractivity  or #simplesummer.


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