Saturday Stroll

I didn’t get around to taking a walk last week.  Can’t even remember why – maybe I am a little too busy.  I looked at myself in the mirror earlier this week and was kind of shocked to see crazy dark circles under my hazel eyes.  The high winds have driven us mostly indoors because each time we leave the house, we have a collective allergy attack.  It is bad enough indoors.

In other news, I was asked for the first time in my life this week if I was an athlete.  Ha – just had to put that on paper so I could remember the ONLY time that will ever be asked of me.

D celebrated the big 33 this week and we went out to celebrate.  He of course picked out his birthday gift from me and he is very happy with it.  It is so odd to be married to a much older man.

G looked at a picture of a rocking horse and called it “rocking chair donkey.”  She also now sings along to almost any song I sing (also” Ho Hey” by the Lumineers – see song below).  She is also one of the sweetest toddlers I have ever seen (my sample size is small and objectivity is questionable).

W is sitting like a rock star and rocking back and forth.  We are thinking she may not crawl, just scoot.  She absolutely detests tummy time, even though we are diligent to work on it with her.  She also is the most enthusiastic eater of table foods – she had oatmeal for the first time this week and I think she is starting a lifelong love of food.  I bought some carrots and squash to make some baby food for her this week.  Love this stage!

We are working on some projects around the house this week that I will be writing about in the next couple of weeks.  I already told you about my pantry makeover and  I was really surprised when it inspired others to do the same.

Ready to stroll?



Grace at park wren in hat



I found this great recipe for Cinnamon Cream Cheese Roll-ups from Rindy Mae.  I think I will have to try this this weekend.  We have all the items on hand. But the way she talks about them makes me think they might be dangerous to have in the house. Uh-oh.

I LOVE this idea for a sensory board from Fun at Home with Kids.  I can just see G and W playing with this.  I am thinking about going to the Dollar Store tonight to see if I can DIY this on a tiny budget.  Her’s looks like it is from Restoration Hardware, right?

I love this FREE printable to remind us to pray for the people affected by the evil in Boston this week.  It is from Snappee Turtle.


What did you see while snooping around the internet this week?  Feel free to snoop around here and leave a comment on your favorite post.  Have a great week!


This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Thank you so much for sharing my printable!! I hope it serves as a reminder to stop and pray! My little one never really crawled. She was a butt scooter for 2 months, crawled for like 3 days and went straight to walking! I was concerned at first until I learned that butt scooting is a form of crawling! Who knew! 🙂

    1. ussleah

      I certainly didn’t know that either. Our first only crawled for a little while (started somewhere in the 7th month). She started walking at 10 months and hasn’t slowed down for very long since.

  2. Mindy

    Wow, thanks so much for the shout out! I was just gonna pop on over and say hi, after you commented on the roll-up post. What a surprise to find you talking about them! So awesome, thank you!
    And yes, they ARE dangerous. Proceed with caution. Or better yet, make them when you’re home alone so you don’t have to share. :o)
    Thanks again. Now I’m gonna go snooping……

  3. mbw

    As a mom and also a preschool teacher, I want you to know that crawling is an important part of brain development for learning to read. BUT, it can happen anytime in the preschool years. If she goes straight to walking, just set up scenarios were she has to crawl like an obstacle course with a tunnel made from sheets and chairs. Or play follow the leader and crawl for part of it. Or pretend to be certain animals…well, you get the idea!

    1. ussleah

      Thanks for the tips! I am sure we will find many opportunities to work on crawling. We have a tunnel that our oldest still loves to crawl through, so I am sure she will encourage her sister to join in!

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