I am reading through a book by JC Ryle entitled Aspects of Holiness and came across this quote I find appropriate to the daily Christian walk:
Sanctification does not consist in retiring from daily life in the world. In every age there have been those who believe that to retire into seclusion from the world is a highway to sanctification. But wherever we go we carry with us that source of evil – our hearts. True holiness is not a frail plant which can only survive in a plant nursery, but is a strong, hardy thing which can flourish in normal daily life. True holiness does not make a Christian evade difficulties, but face and overcome them.
This is a good reminder that God is working out my salvation within me to rid me of my evil heart, not remove all of life’s obstacles, so that I can be perfect. It is the very trials of our daily existence which work to perfect and complete us so we will be fitted for heaven and measured for a crown. As I go through my daily routines, day after day, they are not without merit and worth in this changing process. In fact, they are the places of greatest opportunity for Spiritual growth and refinement. There is a time and place for retreat and rest, but God is working most often in the daily life of His children.