Since I finally settled on the idea of creating placemats for our Gathering (our morning time) a few months ago, we have enjoyed them as a family immensely! I toil on them as often as possible in an attempt to get all of this coming school year’s placemats created and ready to go…before the first day of school.
We are a modified year-round schooling family, so it is busy around here even in the summer. And June was a CRAZY busy month, filled with lots of unexpected adventures. I created our June placemats knowing that most of the time we would not be at home to enjoy them.
July 2019 Gathering
When I started working on July’s Gathering placemats, I wanted them to be something I don’t explore very much around here: patriotism. I personally am not what anyone would describe as patriotic. I do not, myself, recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Additionally, I do not place my hand over my heart at the playing of the National Anthem. BUT, I do want my children to understand this country of ours, its history, its culture, and its beauty.
We have always done some very simple 4th of July traditions around here. We play with food (creating an American flag with whipped cream and berries). And we have a crab and shrimp boil. Most years we don’t even get around to watching the fireworks. Thus, I wanted to take the time to introduce my kids to their country a little more in depth.

And our July 2019 Gathering placemats were produced. They are my favorite placemat set, thus far. The art is spectacular! And the poems are phenomenal!
I hope you and your family enjoy them, too!
I am offering them FREE to my readers who subscribe to the site. And I am not trying to send you a bunch of emails (I am the world’s worst about subscriber mail). Gauging the response to the Gathering place mats is what I am after this is the best way to track it. So here’s the sign-up. Once you are signed up, I will try my best to keep you updated on future sets of place mats.
Update: This is no longer available. But you can get a free set of Gathering Placemats for your family here:

July 2019 Gathering extentions
Interested in a fun extention activity to help your kids begin to memorize the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution? Check out our preamble flag activity .
We also have loved the stories and art found in this book to help us explore the theme of American history and culture.
I am in love with the Harriet Tubman poem this month. I found a couple of You Tube videos worth watching with my kids. This one and this one.
If you have any questions about these placemats, I would love to hear from you! I have a FAQ run-down on my previous post about our Gathering placemats, so you might check there first. Blessings to you and your students as you use these in your home!

This Post Has 2 Comments
What a neat tradition for your family!
Is love to know if you’ve decided to continue this through each month of the year. This is fantastic!!