Holiday MOMents and Parenting Resolutions

Dear Reader,

I didn’t get what I wanted for Christmas this year.  I rarely make a list (so no need to check it twice) of the things I want, but along about Thanksgiving I realized an immediate and desperate desire and I couldn’t wait for Christmas to get here to see if I got it.

What was on my list?

Clean panties and carpet cleaner.


Our oldest (and smarter than she should be) daughter has a tendency to force our hand.  She started climbing out of her crib, necessitating a change of bedding arrangements.  But it wasn’t that easy.

She refused to sleep in her converted crib.  Refused!  Two months later we were finally able to get her to sleep in her bed for the night by moving it into the same room as her younger sister (that has a set of challenges all its own, but that’s another story).

But along about Thanksgiving this year, she decided it was time to start potty-training.

How did she let us know?

By waiting until naptime or bedtime, then removing her diaper and leaving piles of poop and spots of urine on the floor for us to discover (Don’t worry, I didn’t take pictures).  Yeah, not exactly festive!

Now, the holiday season is normally not the best time to start transitions for our girls.  Changing routines can leave them very cranky and sleep-deprived.  Add to it the holiday busyness and it is really not the time for parents to have to go through daily (sometimes twice daily) scrubbing sessions and forced laundry labors.

But, what are you going to do?

Let’s just say our holiday season was filled with opportunities to show patience and self-control.  The frustration was (and remains) a constant battle.  There have been big steps forward and then huge steps back.  There has been excrement.  There have been three extra loads of laundry each day.

So, we are hoping that the new year brings potty training successes!  And we are going to chalk this holiday season’s struggles up to memories made (and likely only shared once she has found that just right man, to make sure he is the keeper).  We are hoping that January brings dry panties and a steam cleaner for the carpet in that room no one wants to go in anymore!

And, personally, I am asking for and seeking to be more patient with my children each day in the new year.  The Lord knows I need it.  And that is why He gives me daily opportunities to practice patience with our young ones.  A measure of grace and a measure of patience will do me well.  I know I will likely not be able to laugh off each hair-pull inducing struggle of the day, but I can behave in a way that demonstrates my love for Jesus and for my children to them each day.

Just as most trials or struggles we deal with in this life are temporary, I know this stage, too, will pass.  But the way that I walk through the stage with my little one will make a big difference in how she feels.  I need to demonstrate patience and love to her in larger and more measurable ways through her childhood.  I need to practice patience so I am ready for those days when she tells me, “I don’t love you anymore.”  Oh, wait…she already does that!  Ack!

Do you have a parenting resolution for the new year?  Have you thought about the things you could be working on in yourself for the benefit of your kids?

Seeking the blessing of patience for the stages of toddlerhood,


P.S. Do you have some Holiday MOMents you would love to share?  They can be funny, sweet, outrageous, whatever.  If they made a big impression on your holiday season, Sprout would love to hear them.  And I would love for you to share in the comments, too!

Moments frosty

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Stacie K.

    Sorry for your hard times. It will pass, I promise. You will make it.
    Can’t wait to see all of you for our family Christmas, tantrums, etc. And all. That’s what family is for.
    Love you!

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