Happy Birthday, Carters!

I participated in a Blog Blast Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Carter’s. I received a promotional item to thank me for my participation.”

Celebrating Carter's 150th Birthday

We are pretty big Carter’s fans around here.  W’s current favorite shirt is a Carter’s shirt that she asks to wear. Every.Single.Day.  So we are so happy to celebrate with them as they celebrate their 150th birthday!  And even more excited to share because they are the ones giving away the presents!

Be sure to check out their 150th Birthday Sweepstakes.  150 winners will be selected to get 2 $150 Carter’s gift cards!  So your chances are GOOD!

Here’s what you need to do to enter:

1. Follow Carter’s on Instagram and/or Twitter.

2. Post photos/videos of your “favorite happy moment” with #HappyBirthdayCarters AND #CartersSweepstakes on Instagram and/or Twitter for your chance to win


You can use the tool below to enter!


And since they are really excited about celebrating their 150th birthday and want to help others to celebrate theirs, they are doing something really awesome.  They are making it possible for those who would not be able to have a birthday party to have one!  Through the Carter’s Charitable Foundation, they will be sponsoring 150 birthday parties for homeless children this year! All told 750 birthdays will be celebrated with over 9,000 children in 20 shelters nationwide!  I love this!

Carter’s 150th Birthday Sweepstakes

Happy Birthday, Carters!

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