Bible Study Supplies: My Must-Haves

my favorite Bible study supplies

I am an incredibly enthusiastic Bible-studier (yes, I realize I should say student, but I like my new word).  Part of my testimony of how I came to the Lord was through the faithful teaching of the Word by a truly humble man of God.  And because of his faithfulness to the Word, he imparted a LOVE for the Word of God into my life.  But I didn’t get the opportunity to really get down to learn how to study the Bible until after I got married 10 years ago.  Once I found the type of Bible study I like, I immersed myself into the world of Bible study with passion.  I am also a dutiful nerd and get a kick out of fun school supplies that I can use in my study time.  So, I thought I would share with you my must have Bible study Tools with you.

I have lots of reasons for loving the translation of the Bible I prefer, but that is a whole other post – maybe soon!  I prefer to read the New American Standard Version of the Bible.  I think it is a good solid translation and I have been reading it for so long, it feels like home.  I prefer the New Inductive Study Bible – although I am kind of bummed that they have reduced the margins in the newer versions.  If you are wondering why I prefer an inductive study, check out this post about why I study the Bible inductively.

NOTE: This post contains affiliate links.  If you click through and make a purchase I get a small remuneration and you get a proven product.

#1 Precept Upon Precept Courses

I am a devoted student of Precept courses.  I have been doing Precept Upon Precept studies for the past 10 years and I cannot tell you of a better Bible study out there.  It is in-depth, rich examination of the truth in a very logical, ordered process.  A few years ago, I went to the training to become a discussion leader for Precept.  God’s timing for that training was perfect because as soon as I got back, I was needed to fill in for my Bible study teacher for an extended period.  Once she was back, we co-led the study for a couple of years.  Then she moved away this past summer but the study is still going strong (love those ladies).  We are just beginning a study 2 Thessalonians.  I think it is my 40th study with Precept.

#2 A Good set of Pens

I am kind of a pen fiend.  I have a specific type of pen and refuse to write with another (I have been loyal to these pens since college); but for Bible study I stretch myself a little bit and have found the PERFECT pen for Bible study.  They are fine enough to write, do not bleed through thin pages, and come in a wide array of colors – something you need in Precept coursework.  These pens are from Staedtler.  They have a triangle barrel and the case folds into a stand for them!  Oh, the fun!  I use different colored pens to mark key words in my Bible study (both in the course work and in my own Bible).  I also use different colored pens 1) to make sure I have all the work finished and 2) to make notes of what I really want to share when I get together with my Bible study friends.

#3 A Drafting Stencil

OK, so this product will let you in on my perfectionist tendencies.  When I am marking my worksheets or my Bible, I like to be precise.  If I want to put a triangle over a word, I want the triangle to be a perfect triangle. If I want to mark something with a circle, I want a perfect circle.  So, I got a drafting stencil that has basic shapes and keep it with me while I am studying my Bible.  This is something that is not necessary to the proper study of the Word of God, but these are my must-haves!  I feel lost without this tool.  If a beautifully organized piece of paper doesn’t thrill your soul, this is not necessary for you.  But if it does, this will just add to your delight as you discover God’s Word!

#4 BIC Mechanical Pencils

As I said before, I mark key words in my Bible with colored pens.  But I write notes in my Bible and make drawings in my Bible with pencil.  One of the parts of studying the Bible is being teachable.  Being willing to surrender my ideas about what a passage means when the Holy Spirit Himself shows me otherwise.  I write with pencils because the ideas I need to lay aside can easily be erased, as God shows me otherwise.  And being the picky person, I am I ONLY use BIC mechanical pencils (I am brand loyal to these pencils because they have never let me down) and they are always sharp!


#5 blank index cards

I use a LOT of these for writing memorization verses.  I write them in a great colored pen and hang them up in my bathroom (on the outside of our glass shower doors), so I have something to meditate on while I am a truly captive audience.  They help me to memorize in a very practical and easy way.  I also use blank postcards to create charts to share with my class.  The blank cards help me to have a large space to create a chart, but small enough to tuck into my Bible or study notebook.  I have also discovered (in my homeschool journey) the joy of a laminated note card with an important Bible verse on it!


#6 unlined colored paper

I have written on unlined colored copy paper since I was in high school.  In fact, I don’t think we own notebook paper.  I simply prefer unlined colored paper for taking notes.  I find it easier to create charts and lists for my study, while using as much of the paper as possible (without the distraction of lines).  I make LOTS of lists when I am working on a study and I keep paper on hand in my Bible study binder for taking notes in class.

#7 a quality binder

I think you may have noticed I am brand-loyal to a lot of my supplies, but in this case I am type-loyal.  I must have a “durable” binder.  I keep all my notes, worksheets, and the workbook for my classes in my binder.  And I put it all back in its place each time I study.  This means I am opening and closing the rings of the binder a LOT; so they have to be durable!  I really like the binders that have a clear plastic cover into which I can insert the cover of my Precept workbook.  That way, I can always tell which binder I have just by glancing at it.

Those are my absolute favorite Bible study supplies!  I use them every day when I do Bible study.  Do you have some supplies you couldn’t do without?  I would love to hear which ones are your favorites!absolute favorite Bible study supplies


This post was shared at: Titus 2 Tuesday


This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Becky

    I would never have thought of a drafting stencil. Can’t wait to get one. My triangles and circles are never perfect and it bugs me. Thank you for sharing.

    1. ussleah

      We perfectioninsts have to stick together, Becky! 🙂 Glad to give you the suggestion!

  2. Jennifer Mc

    Yes I have favorite tools as well and I have to say I just recently picked up a 5 pack of those pens and I LOVE them. I normally use Sharpie pens but the pens you use are a welcome addition to my bible study basket. I do have to say one thing though – I only have a 5 pack. I am gonna have to get me a HUGE pack like yours. lol New to your blog by the way. 🙂

    1. ussleah

      So glad you like the pens, too! They are wonderful! Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment!

    2. Carrie

      What kind of bible study “basket” do you have, and what do you keep i. It?

      1. Leah Hudson

        I don’t really have a basket, Carrie. But I do keep my NASB Bible close by for my mornings. I keep a journal (very loosely) and I usually have a devotional book to read after I am finished with my Bible study. Other-wise I have the supplies mentioned in this post.

  3. Tasha

    Thank you for sharing. What size binder do you use?

    1. Leah Hudson

      Hi Tasha,
      It depends on the size of the Bible study I am working on. I tend to like the 1 1/2″ binders because I usually have lots to add to my study (leader notes, sermon notes, etc.). But I have had to go up to as big as 3″ for bigger Bible studies (Revelation!).

      Thanks for your question!

  4. leah smith

    I love to use the enduring word commentary; I’m still learning how to make notes that I’ll come back to when I studying that book.

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