Toddler Ice Cream Social

This week in our Alphabet Exploration was the letter I.  Since I couldn’t think of a lot of I words G knows, our options were ice and ice cream.  So we talked about I is for ice cream and Ice all week.  On Tuesday night, I had an idea to help reinforce the ice cream concept for G: 

So I sent an invite on Wednesday to all our toddler friends and mamas (along with the grandparents) and on Friday afternoon we had a houseful of little ones!

This ended up being a great idea for a playdate.  I just laid out all the supplies to create ice cream dreams and let everybody serve themselves, stirred up some Strawberry Lemonade, and sat back and enjoyed the fun.

ice cream social_opt

We used disposable bowls, so there was limited mess to clean up. ice cream social 2_opt

It looked like everyone enjoyed themselves.  Oh, and G likes ice cream…a bunch!

Grace's ice cream_opt


I am looking forward to future impromptu play dates with themes!

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