One Year Old Preschool: Week 4

This entry is part 5 of 19 in the series One Year Old Preschool

1 year old preschool

The unit we are working on for this month is the body with a theme verse of “I am fearfully and wonderfully made (from Psalm 139).  The goal for this unit is for our little one to: know the body parts (as many of them as possible) and know who “I” am.

This week’s focus was on the hands and fingers.  We didn’t work as intensively on this as in previous weeks, because G already has a pretty good understanding of her hands and fingers; but we had a good time!


The song “Where is Thumbkin?” was not much of a hit with G, but we did do a bunch of times and she started to pay attention to it for a little while.  I might help if I had taken the time to put finger puppets on my fingers, or draw finger puppets on my fingers.  Maybe we will try this next time.

“The Itsy, Bitsy Spider” is still a favorite around here.  G responds to this one by playing with her hands and watching intently.

We also did the rhyme/sayings:  “Here is the church, here is the steeple…” and “I have ten little fingers and they all belong to me…”


We have some books that include some of these sayings and songs, so we read those.

We also read Pat the Bunny.  This is a wonderful interactive book we have been reading to G for quite some time, but this week she seemed to really get more enjoyment out of it.  She giggled when it was time to pat the bunny and play peek-a-boo.  She also enjoyed touching daddy’s scratchy face (and since D hadn’t shaved when we read it, she was able to touch her actual daddy’s scratchy face!).

We continued to read some of the books we have already read on the body (Ears, Nose, Fingers, Toes; Shake a Leg).


Our art project did not interest G in the slightest this week: We traced hands.  She did not want to wait around for me to finish her hand, so we traced our hands and left them in a place for her to look at them all week.

We talked a lot about our hands and fingers, especially while cleaning up after meals, and while touching new things.

I meant to make a touch board for G but did not get around to doing it, so we just used Pat the Bunny as our touch board and talked about the textures of items throughout the week.

The last big event of the week was allowing G to hold a spoon/fork for the first time!  This will help us to transition into our next unit for One Year Old Preschool: Food/Feeding.  She was not very adept at this straight away, but I know we will see quick progress as she works on  her fine motor skills in the next few weeks.


G can do “high fives” with Dada and Mama and puts her hands when asked.  She also will hold your hand when prompted.  While we are singing songs about her hands, she points to her fingers on one hand.

A very simple preschool week, but with improvement made each day!

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