When you are standing in line with your stack of coupons and a line 5 people long behind you, the world of saving money can seem like a very lonely and small place. I assure you, it is not.
The network of penny-pinchers is vast and varied. You can increase your savings by tapping into it.
This post may include affiliate links. If you click and make a purchase based on my recommendation, I get a small remuneration at no extra expense to you. I only recommend things I use and believe to be a blessing.
Here are some members of the network you may want to get to know:
Deal Bloggers
If you are very, very new to saving money (especially with coupons), you might now know the well of those who write about deals online is deep. There are many, many tireless deal-seekers who want to help you save money too. And they work very hard to make sure you don’t have too. They can tell you where the best deals are, how to use the coupons, and more. If you are unsure where to start, you can often find a local deal blogger by searching for them online. Just type in coupon blog and your city. If there is not a local deal blogger, there are some great national bloggers like: Money Saving Mom and Common Sense with Money.
Coupon Cooperatives
There are great communities popping up online to help you save money. It may be hard to find like-minded coupon enthusiasts in your area, but the group for you may be just a click away. Some sites to check out are Slickdeals (click on Forums) and Retail Me Not.
Sales Clerks
Being friendly with a sales clerk at your favorite store can help you save money. She can tip you off to some of the great sales before they happen. He can tell you the day they do their markdowns and how much you can expect to save.
If you are known as a deal-hunter, they may encourage you along the way (or at least not roll their eyes when they see you coming). The sales clerk at a drug store close to my mom’s house keeps a massive stash of coupons for her customers to use when they check out with her. You never know what savings you may uncover when you form a friendship with a store employee.
Store Managers
If you have been couponing for a while, you probably already know the store manager at the stores you frequent. They are often called in on the big coupon problems – overrides and confusion. Being friendly and courteous with them goes a long way to helping you get the deals you are hoping for.
They will be more likely to troubleshoot the coupon problem you are having if you are a friendly regular customer. If you are rude, the are more likely to shut you down (even if you are in the right).
Fellow Shoppers
Have you ever spotted that person crouched down on the bottom shelf, coupon in hand, grabbing six of an item you were interested in purchasing too? Take a moment and talk with them. You may have found a kindred spirit. You many have found someone who you can deal-hunt or deal-brag with. Again, the relationships you create can help you save money. If nothing else, you can enjoy the kinship of a deal well made.
This Post Has 2 Comments
I definitely need to be stalking more deals. I’ve got one kid headed off to college in two years and a couple more really not that far behind him and we need to start saving more money! Thanks for the tips!
My best savings tip is to just stay out of the stores whenever possible. I am definitely an impulse buyer and I will never be able to come out of a WalMart or a Target without at least 50 bucks worth of stuff I don’t really need. It’s much better for me to give my husband a list of what I want. He takes forever, but he’s MUCH more likely to stick to the list and I’d rather invest time than money.