Clean Kids Rooms Everyday – DAY 5

This entry is part 5 of 5 in the series Kids Clean Room Challenge

Kids Clean Room ChallengeThank you for joining me for the Kids Clean Room Challenge this week!  I hope you and your little ones have had a fun time creating habits that make for more order in your day and in their rooms.  Today is the last official day of the challenge, but the routines you have started are very easy to maintain.  I hope to create a printable list of the to-dos and the challenges from this week, so I can keep up with them (Stay tuned!).


So let’s get to the last day’s work:



Parents, as soon as your kids wake up, go into their room and do a quick pick-up.  Put toys, books, games, etc. back into their places.  Encourage your little ones to help you by singing the “Clean up” song (we have young ones that really respond to music), if that helps. Make sure you and your kids remember to put dirty clothes in the hamper.  This will become a daily habit for you and your kids and you will be surprised how routine (and natural) it can be!


Have your little one help you to dust all the surfaces she can reach (think baseboard, dressers, changing tables) with a soft cloth.  You can dust the higher spots while she is working on the lower spots.  And sweep or vacuum the floor in her bedroom.  Depending on your child’s age and inclination, allow them to help with this process.  It may take a little longer than if you were doing it by yourself, but including him helps him to feel like a big help!  Also, taking the time to teach them how to do it right early on will prevent the frustration of re-teaching it later.

kids clean room challenge - beds made

Thank you for joining us for the Kids Clean Room Challenge!  Happy cleaning!

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